Basketball pivot movement
Example Pivot in Basketball

Various Pivot Moves In Basketball

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Basketball is one of the most popular sports games. In the game of basketball, several techniques must be mastered, one of which is the pivot technique. For those of you who are still beginners, you must master the pivot movement of the basketball. Because the pivot technique is useful in outwitting and winning the game!

Know the Definition of Pivot Technique

Pivot is a rotary technique movement with one leg and the other as its axis. The pivot technique is useful for saving the basketball from the opponent’s reach.

Therefore, the pivot movement is often used by players when controlling the ball in the opponent’s defense.

The pivot technique movement is also known as a movement that is difficult for basketball players to do because it is encouraged to be able to change the direction of the body in all directions with the love that one stays in place.

Pivot movements are usually combined with other movements such as passing, dribbling, or shooting into the ring.

The Purpose of the Pivot Movement

Every movement in the game of basketball has its purpose, one of which is the pivot movement:

The pivot movement is carried out to find an opening for the ball to be passed or shot. This movement will make the gap more open.

Pivot movements are usually done while waiting for teammates to move without the ball in getting the best place to pass or shoot.

The pivot technique is done to outwit the opponent’s guard by the ball handler, so that he can score points at close range more easily.

The pivot technique can also be used to hold the ball and to think about the next step to take. This method is done so that the team can revitalize its attack strategy.

Finally, the purpose of this pivot technique is to survive. For example, the defense pivot is often used in loosening the pressing that comes from the opposing team. By doing the pivot technique, players can occupy their best position and for the offensive step, the ball can be controlled easily.

How to Do a Basketball Pivot Move

If you want to master the pivot movement or technique, then you must master the basic movements of holding the ball, turning, and dribbling, so you can change the direction of the game and even take advantage.

There are at least 3 steps that you must master in doing the pivot movement, which is as follows:

  1. In the initial preparation of the pivot movement, one leg is used as a support to rotate the body. Note that in choosing the foot of the pedestal, you must choose a strong leg so that it can facilitate other movements.
  2. Both step the other foot in the direction you want. As long as the pivot foot is in place, this foot is free to take steps without dribbling.
  3. Finally, doing around then it can be accompanied by supporting movements such as shooting, passing, or dribbling to get the advantage.
  4. The thing you have to pay attention to in the pivot movement is that the foot that becomes the pivot should not change or shift. Axle legs can only follow the rotation of body movements. You can adjust the pivot movement according to the situation and strategy regarding how fast or slow the movement is.
  5. In the pivot technique, there are two terms, namely In Front Pivot (Front Turn) as a forward rotation and Reverse Pivot (Reverse Turn) as a backward rotation.

Various Pivot Techniques in Basketball

There are three kinds of pivot techniques followed by other support movements, such as pivot then dribble, pivot then passing, and pivot then shooting.

For more details regarding how to do the three kinds of pivot techniques, you can listen to the reviews below.

Pivot then Dribble

Pivot then dribble is the most common movement. Where the attacking player performs a pivot technique in the paint area which is then continued to create a gap with a dribble to decide to pass or score points to his teammates.

Pivot then Dribble
Example Pivot then Dribble

In doing the pivot then dribble there are steps that you have to do including:

  1. First, hold the ball with both hands in front of the chest.
  2. Observe the field situation first, then choose one leg as the pivot.
  3. Perform body rotation without changing the axle leg in place.
  4. Continue with dribbling.

Pivot then Pass

The second pivot technique is the pivot and then passing. This pivoting movement is usually done by players who have good instincts in passing.

Pivot then Pass
Example Pivot then Pass

Usually, this pivot technique is done by continuing the pass to his teammates, namely the finisher player or scorer, for example, big man or small forward.

There are several steps that you must follow in performing the pivot and then passing technique, which is as follows:

  1. Use both hands to hold the ball and keep it in front of the chest.
  2. After observing the field situation, select the foot to serve as the pivot.
  3. Make a rotation of the body directly without changing the axle leg in place, be it shift or move.
  4. Look for teammates who are in a position ready to receive the ball and are not guarded by the opposing team.
  5. Continue to pass or pass to teammates who are ready to receive the ball.
  6. Doing the pivot technique then passing requires teamwork and high coordination, especially in the basketball game to win the game.

Pivot then Shooting

Finally, there is a technique or pivot movement then shooting. This movement is usually carried out by the main scorer in the team or the player always contributes to scoring points.

Pivot then Shooting
Example Pivot then Shooting in Basketball

Shooting after the pivot requires extra effort. Because this is not an easy thing to do. Because, after doing the pivot the balance becomes less good.

The purpose of doing the pivot movement then shooting is to create a distance with the opposing players who are defending, this distance you can use in shooting into the opponent’s ring well.

In doing the pivot technique after shooting, there are several steps you must take including:

  1. Hold the ball with both hands in front of the chest.
  2. Choose the leg to use as the pivot after observing the situation.
  3. Rotate the body and make sure the axle leg does not turn, shift or move out of place.
  4. Focus on the opponent’s basketball hoop and observe the situation of opposing players on the court.
  5. If you are ready and confident, you can immediately shoot the ball into the opponent’s ring properly so that points for your team get. You can either bounce the ball off the backboard first or throw it straight into your opponent’s ring.

It’s a good idea to train and hone your pivot technique and then shoot because this technique is very important for the team’s victory. You can watch the famous NBA game with its goal-scoring.

Basketball Pivot Miss Technique

In doing the technique or pivot movement, you have to pay attention to many things, especially studying the mistakes of the pivot movement in basketball games.

So with this, you can avoid any violations in the form of traveling or fouls.

Therefore, you can pay attention to some mistakes in basketball pivot movements in the review below.

Body Position

The first mistake that occurs in the pivot movement is the position of the body when carrying the ball, such as standing too upright.

The correct body position when carrying the ball while doing the pivot, the body position should be leaning forward to protect the ball so that it will not be easily seized by the opposing team.

Holding the ball

The second error is when holding the ball. The error that occurs is usually the ball that is held is directed too forward and causes the opponent to take the ball easily.

The correct way to hold the ball should be both hands and the position of the ball right in front of the chest.

Pedestal or Axle

The third and final mistake is the position of the footstool. Errors that occur in the footstool are usually the player makes the back of the foot as a pedestal this will cause the position of the pedestal or the axis of the foot to change or shift.

To solve this error, you can use the forelegs. Because the front is more flexible in doing rotations and what is no less important is to choose the strongest foot is pivoting so that balance is maintained.

Footwork Exercises

In doing the pivot technique, you must have good and strong leg movements, therefore you must do leg movement exercises.

In addition, doing footwork exercises or the term Footwork can reduce injuries during practice or matches.

How to practice leg movements to do the pivot technique? Here’s how:

  1. Choose and prepare the strongest leg that belongs to you.
  2. Use the strongest leg as support or pivot in a circular motion.
  3. Pay attention and make sure the axle feet do not shift, if you experience a shift or change then you will be violated, traveling.
  4. Change the direction of motion quickly using the feet without disturbing the balance of the body. Because this can make the body fall and the ball can be snatched by the opponent easily.

How to Practice Basketball Pivot

in addition to doing footwork exercises for the pivot technique, you should do pivot exercises regularly so that you can master this pivot technique better.

Here’s what the basketball pivot exercises you can do:

  1. Practice the initial stance by doing a 90-degree rotation then do a full rotation up to 360 degrees.
  2. Apart from that, you can do the 90-degree rotation exercise 4 times for a full 360-degree rotation. This is done to avoid injury.
  3. Continue to do full rotation training, if you can do a 180-degree rotation by doing a 180-degree rotation 2 times. This makes the body direction is in the initial position.
  4. You can do the pivot technique with a forward twist—in the front pivot and reverse pivot twice each.
  5. Next, you can do dribbling and then pivot with 90-180 degrees and then with a combination of passing or shooting to the basketball hoop.

By practicing the basketball pivot regularly, you can master the pivot technique more proficiently. Understand the material and immediately do practical exercises!