Offensive Rebound in Basketball
Offensive Rebound attempt by Philadelphia 76ers player, source: USAtoday

What Is Offensive Rebound on Basketball ? Definition and Drills

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Rebound is a term found in the game of basketball, where players can get the ball from the opponent’s reflection. In basketball, there are two types of rebounds, namely offensive rebound and defensive rebound.

In this article i will provide, what is offensive rebound about. For those of you who don’t understand it, This article suits for you, to know out more about offensive rebound on basketball.

Getting to Know Offensive Rebound

Offensive rebound is a rebound technique that is carried out to maintain possession and second-chance points from missed shots taken by teammates, either by jump shot or layup.

This type of rebound is carried out in the opponent’s paint area or with a longer distance, according to the direction of the ball’s bounce after a miss.

Offensive rebound has a very important role to win because it can extend the possession period and keep the team able to use points to end the possession.

usually, the players who have the opportunity to get the board are those who have intelligence and abilities related to positioning and good physique.

Players must be smart to read the possible direction of missing the ball even when the last player shoots.

To avoid box-out attempts from opposing players, positioning must be done intelligently. Because the ball will be very difficult to get unless the player has a very strong physique.

Players who get offensive rebounds naturally are usually those who have a tall and large physical body compared to other players who are smaller, such as guards or wings.

However, players who have this physical body may not necessarily be able to get the ball automatically, because they have to face the opponent’s Big Man who usually sticks to the movement of players in the paint area.

How to Do Offensive Rebound

Doing offensive rebounds must be done carefully and carefully. Because to enter the opponent’s defense area with ordinary movements is not easy. The key to an offensive rebound is physical strength and the right position.

So from this, how to do an offensive rebound as follows:

The first step

The first thing you have to do in an offensive rebound is that you have to be able to read the shooting direction, shots from the wing, top of the key, corner, or midrange for example baseline and elbow which have a probability of bouncing in a certain direction.

Players will find it easier to place their position when they often see these tendencies.

Second Step

The second step is Box Out. Even though a defensive player automatically rebounds an offensive player, an offensive player must box out.

The purpose of doing this box out is to maintain a standing position for the rebound. If the player does not box out, it will be difficult for the player to stand longer in a position that has a chance or opportunity to get a rebound.

Third step

The next step that players can take to get an offensive rebound is to jump early. Players who jump early will increase their chances of getting a rebound.

If a player is just a few seconds late in making a jump, the ball has been confirmed to be controlled by the opponent.

Fourth Step

The fourth step is that the player must think quickly. In doing an offensive rebound the player must run and get the rebound ball.

Even so, players must do it using feeling. Because the risk or impact can be very fatal because it can get hard physical contact with the opponent’s big man.

Fifth Step

The fifth step that must be done by players is mastering finishing. You have to make the most of your offensive rebounds.

One of the players can take advantage of it by knowing whether the team needs two points from this trip, a slam, or a layup, you can even make an effort to score three points by passing to a parameter player.

So, those are the steps you have to take in an offensive rebound. If you can do the steps as well as possible, you can greatly benefit.

Because getting more rebounds will strengthen your position in the team so you can outperform the opposing team.

And finally, your team can win a basketball game, where the difference in this match is the Second Chance points.

NBA Offensive Rebound Basketball


As explained in the discussion about offensive rebounds above, a rebound is a term in basketball. There are two types of rebounds, namely offensive rebounds and defensive rebounds.

Offensive rebound is a term in which a player gets the ball from a shot that is not entered by a teammate.

In doing an offensive rebound, the player must do it carefully and quickly so that the ball can be obtained. You can follow the steps that have been described above to do an offensive rebound. Understand the theory of knowing offensive rebound and how to do it, then practice later, good luck!